Step 2: Paste your new Checkout Script in the Script Editor app

Now that you've copied your new Checkout Script, head over to your Shopify admin account, click Apps on the left-hand side, and search for the Script Editor app.

If you don't have any Line Item Checkout Scripts live at the moment, click the Create Script button in the top right corner and select Blank template under the Line items options. Paste your Campaigns Checkout Script in the code editor. A few tips:

  • You can give your Checkout Script a name under the Title field at the top - we recommend naming it the same thing as the Campaign or Campaign Test so you can remember what this script is for.

  • Make sure any example code that Shopify may have added is deleted first.

If you do have a Line Item Checkout Script live at the moment, click on the title of it and select the Duplicate button in the top right. You cannot edit published scripts, and this allows you to revert to your old script if you need to in the future. Paste your Campaigns Checkout Script in the code editor. A few tips:

  • The Checkout Script will process in the same order that it is in. Keep in mind what each portion of your Checkout Script does when deciding where to paste the Campaigns Checkout Script.

  • You can edit the name of the Checkout Script under the Title field at the top - we recommend adding the name of the Campaign or Campaign Test on to the end of your current title so you can remember what this script is for.

  • If your current Checkout Script already includes an Intelligems Campaigns Checkout Script we recommend deleting the entire Intelligems portion and replacing it with your new, updated Checkout Script.

Last updated