Starting a Shipping Test

The contents of this article are only relevant if you are using the Intelligems Carrier Rate Implementation of the shipping test. If you are using checkout scripts to run your shipping test, please reach out to to get your test launched!

Additionally, to use the Intelligems Rate Carrier out of the box, your store needs to be on the Advanced Shopify or Plus plan. If you're on the Shopify plan or lower, then you will need to reach out to Shopify Support to enable third-party carrier-calculated shipping - see more on that here. Additionally, please note that as of January 1st, 2023, Shopify will be no longer support this feature for Shopify Basic plans.

Step 1: Confirm Intelligems JavaScript is in your live theme

In addition to Intelligems JavaScript, confirm any other theme changes completed during the integration are in your live theme as well. If not, please publish the script and any changes before proceeding.

Step 2: Press the start button

In the Intelligems app, navigate to the A/B Tests tab and click the green play button next to the shipping test you are wanting to start.

Step 3: Verify that Intelligems has been added as a rate provider

  1. From the Shopify admin console, navigate to Settings โ†’ Shipping and Delivery.

  2. Click Manage rates for the relevant shipping profiles.

  1. Scroll down to the section titled Shipping to and navigate to the region(s) you've chosen to run your shipping test in. Verify that Intelligems is installed as a rate provider. You may need to navigate to the section of your shipping rates called Carrier and app rates.

Step 4: Check your site

Now that the test is live, we recommend going through the add to cart and checkout process in a few incognito browsers so you can get added to different test groups and ensure everything is working as expected. If you have not already QA'ed your test before launching it, we recommend going through this checklist. Please reach out to with any issues!

Last updated