This tab focuses entirely on subscription-based metrics. If subscription growth is important to your store, it will be important to track how your tests impact subscription based metrics like:
Subscription Conversion Rate: Number of new subscription orders divided by number of unique site visitors.
Subscription Revenue per Visitor: Total revenue from new subscription orders divided by number of unique site visitors. Revenue includes both product and shipping revenue, net of discounts.
Subscription Profit per Visitor: Total profit from new subscription orders divided by number of unique site visitors. Profit includes product and shipping revenue, net of discounts, COGS, and cost of shipping.
Subscription Percent of Orders: Percentage of orders that contained a subscription. Only subscription first orders are counted, automatic refill orders are excluded.
Subscription Average Order Value: Average order value for first subscription orders, split by revenue generated from product sales (Product Revenue per Order) and shipping charges (Shipping Revenue per Order).
Subscription Average Units per Order: Average quantity of subscription product units contained in each order.
Subscription Product Revenue per Unit: Average selling price for a single subscription unit. Equals average product revenue per order divided by subscription average units per order.
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