Exporting Experiment Data

We make it easy for you to export the most important data related to your tests. Below, we explain the types of exports that are available, as well as the process to export experiment data.

Accessing Data Exports within the Intelligems App

  1. Navigate to the Test Analytics tab for the relevant experiment.

  2. From the 'Overview' page of the Analytics Dashboard, locate the 'Export' button in the top right corner. Choose from the options of available exports (more detail below). Upon making your selection, the export will download - you can watch progress in the top of the dashboard. Once it is ready to go, click "Download" to download the export to your computer.

Order Export

The Order Export contains data relevant to orders placed during the test, including:

  • TEST_GROUP_NAME: the name of the test group the customer was placed into for the relevant experiment

  • ORDER_ID: Shopify Order ID

  • CUSTOMER_ID: Shopify Customer ID

  • ORDER_CREATED_TIME: Time order was placed, in GMT

  • NEW_RETURNING_CUST: Indicates whether a customer has placed an order on the site previously (not necessarily during the test or while Intelligems was installed).

  • SHIPPING_METHOD: Shipping rate name associated with Shopify order

  • TEST_ORDER: Whether or not an order contained a product that is included in the experiment.

  • TOTAL_UNITS: Total units of store product contained in the order. These units may or may not be part of the experiment

  • TOTAL_TEST_UNITS: Number of units in the order that are included in the experiment configuration.

  • PRODUCT_LIST_PRICE: Combined price of products in the relevant order as they appear in Shopify

  • PRODUCT_DISCOUNT: Discount applied to products in the relevant order, including a discount associated with Intelligems, where applicable

  • PRODUCT_REVENUE: Revenue in the order attributable to units of product sold in the order. Equal to PRODUCT_LIST_PRICE less PRODUCT_DISCOUNT. Excludes revenue from shipping fees

  • PROPERTIES: Properties for this line item.

  • SHIPPING_REVENUE: Shipping fees collected for the order


  • TOTAL_TAX: Tax charges associated with the order, charged to the customer

  • AMOUNT_PAID: Amount paid by customer, including product revenue, shipping fees and tax

  • PRODUCT_COGS: Sum of COGS calculated for the products contained in the order. For more information on how to upload your COGS data to Intelligems, see How to Add Profit to Intelligems Analytics.

  • SHIPPING_COST: Total shipping cost associated with the order. Usually this is a flat fee. For more information on how to incorporate this data, see How to Add Profit to Intelligems Analytics.

  • TRANSACTION_FEE: Fee calculated based on order value, only if an assumption has been added for transaction fee percentage.


  • ORDER_VALUE_Z_SCORE: Number of standard deviations order is from mean, based on available historical order data. Calculated based on order value and used to determine outliers. Read more about the z-score filter here.

  • IS_OUTLIER: An order is flagged as an outlier if its z-score exceeds a pre-set threshold (default is 3.0) or if it's order value is less than or equal to zero. Outlier orders are excluded from the analytics pages in the Intelligems dashboard

  • NEW_VS_RETURNING_VISITOR: Either "New" or "Returning", indicates whether or not they are a new or returning visitor. (Based on Intelligems cookie and whether or not this is their first session).

  • DEVICE_TYPE: Either "Mobile" or "Desktop". Any device that is not a desktop computer (i.e. Tablets and Kindles) are considered "Mobile".

  • CHANNEL: Refers to the marketing channel based on UTM parameters of the acquisition source of the visitor.

Line Item Export

The Line Item Export contains data relevant to product units sold during the test, including:

  • TEST_GROUP_NAME: the name of the test group the customer was placed into for the relevant experiment

  • ORDER_ID: Shopify order ID associated with the sale of this line item. Values for ORDER_ID may repeat if multiple items were contained in a given order

  • EVENT_TIME: Time order was placed, in GMT

  • PRODUCT_ID: Shopify Product ID, automatically assigned to every product in the Shopify store

  • VARIANT_ID: Shopify Variant ID, automatically assigned to every product variant in the Shopify store

  • SKU: Product SKU, pulled directly from Shopify. Some stores do not maintain SKU classifications in Shopify

  • IS_TEST_PRODUCT: Value will be "X" when the given variant ID is included in the experiment configuration. This only applies to price tests, not content tests.

  • PRODUCT_NAME: product name, as it is labeled in Shopify

  • PRODUCT_GROUP: This field can be used to group product types or collections. If you'd like to include product groups in your data, please contact Intelligems support.

  • QUANTITY: The number of items with the given variant ID that are included in the order

  • LINE_ITEM_REVENUE: The price of the given item, net of any discounts, multiplied by the product quantity

  • PRODUCT_COGS: COGS for the given variant ID multiplied by the quantity. For more information on how to upload your COGS data to Intelligems, see How to Add Profit to Intelligems Analytics

  • IS_OUTLIER (see above)

  • PRODUCT_COGS (see above)


  • DEVICE_TYPE (see above)

  • CHANNEL (see above)

Last updated