Analytics Overview

This article will walk you through the various sections and capabilities of the Analytics Dashboard in the Intelligems App. After reading this, you should feel comfortable reading your test's results!

Accessing Test Analytics

You can access test analytics by going to the A/B Tests tab in the menu on the lefthand side in the app and clicking the chart icon next to the test you want to analyze, or by navigating to the Test Analytics tab in the menu on the lefthand side and using the dropdown under "Analytics Dashboard" to toggle between tests.

Note that analytics are on about a two hour delay, so you will not be able to access analytics until your test has been live for at least two hours.

A few capabilities that you will see on every page in the Analytics Dashboard:


Each page has a Filters menu in the top right corner where you can adjust the:

  • Date Range: Select a start and/or end time. We typically recommend filtering out the first day or so of traffic after starting a test as those users may have been on the site more recently and impact results

  • Analytics View Type: Set whether you'd like to include only orders that contain test products (Test Orders Only), or include all orders placed by visitors exposed to the test, regardless of whether the order contained test products (Sitewide Orders). This option is available only in Price Tests and Content Tests. Test Products are chosen when setting up the test.

  • Device Type: Select whether you'd like to view results for All Devices, Desktop, or Mobile. Tablets are included with Mobile results

  • Visitor Type: Select whether you'd like to view results for All Visitors, New Visitors, or Returning Visitors. See more here on how Intelligems determines whether a visitor is new or returning

  • Channel & Traffic Sources: Filter by one or more channel and traffic source type. We use a combination of UTM params and the HTTP referrer on a user's first page view during the experiment to determine what channel they are being referred from

  • URL Parameter: Filter to visitors from specific ad campaigns or media

  • User Behavior: Filter to visitors who have viewed checkout or added to cart

  • Custom Events: Filter to users who have triggered at least one of your Custom Events during the course of the test. You must set up a Custom Event for this filter to become available.

  • Z-Score: This is important for removing outliers from the analytics - it is set to 3 by default

  • Country Codes: Filter to visitors who were in a specific country or countries


Want to run additional analyses or see the individual orders & line items that feed the dashboard? Use our Export button in the top right to download the following information:

  1. Orders Export: Information about each order, including order value, profit, customer ID, shipping method and many more metrics.

  2. Line Items Export: Information about each product ordered during the test, including the product / variant IDs, associated order, revenue and profit, among others

See here for more information on our order exports.

Analytics by Tab

Analytics in the dashboard are broken down into ten tabs. See below for a breakdown of which metrics are included in each section.

OverviewRevenueProfitShippingVisitorsOrders DetailDiscountsProduct GroupsTrendStat SigSubscriptions

We are always working to improve our analytics. Please reach out to our support team if there are specific metrics you are looking for that we do not currently have in the app!

Last updated