๐ŸŽญAudience Targeting

What is Intelligems Audience Targeting?

Intelligems audience targeting allows you to assign specific treatment to certain segments of traffic that visits your site while your test is live. Audiences can be targeted in three different ways:

Option 1: With Query Parameters

This type of targeting will be based on the URL they first land on the site with. URL parameters supported include:

  • utm_source

  • utm_medium

  • utm_campaign

  • utm_term

  • utm_context

  • gclid

  • gclsrc

  • dclid

  • fbclid

  • wickedsource

Option 2: By the user's device type

We can filter users based on whether they are on a mobile or desktop device.

Tablet is included in Mobile!

Option 3: Based on whether they are a new or returning visitor.

We assign every visitor an Intelligems ID when they come to the brand's website once our JavaScript is live in their site. We assign the Intelligems ID to the users cookie. If a visitor has an Intelligems ID already, they are returning, and if we are assigning them an ID on that visit, they are new!

What types of tests can I use Audience Targeting for?

Audience Targeting is available for all test types.

Examples of Intelligems Audience Targeting

Including traffic from a specific campaign

See below for an example of how to include only traffic from a specific campaign. Please note that in this case 'my-campaign' is an example, but the text for this field will be determined by your actual campaign (which you will need to set up).

Excluding traffic from a specific campaign

See below for an example of how to exclude traffic from a specific campaign. Please note that in this case 'my-campaign' is an example, but the text for this field will be determined by your actual campaign (which you will need to set up).

Assigning visitors to a specific test group from a specific campaign

See below for an example of how to assign traffic to a specific group from a specific campaign. Please note that in this case 'my-campaign-a' and 'my-campaign-b' are examples, but the text for this field will be determined by your actual campaign (which you will need to set up).

What if a visitor visits my site multiple times and matches different targeting rules? Intelligems will store the test group information based on the visitor's first visit to the site. So for instance, if a user first lands on the site and is assigned to a test group and later returns through a URL with a URL parameter you've chosen to exclude, that user will remain assigned to the original test group.

Last updated