Testing Cart Elements

The cart is a pivotal point in the customer journey - A/B testing different components of your cart ensures that the user experience is seamless, intuitive, and efficient. By understanding how customers interact with the cart, stores can identify pain points, such as confusing navigation or lack of features, and optimize accordingly.

When it comes to your site’s cart, there are essentially endless things you could test. Below are just a few of the things that brands often test:

  • Displaying the option for a customer to enter a discount code in the cart

  • Testing a new cart app versus your Shopify cart

  • A different call to action on your checkout button

  • Displaying a free shipping progress bar to incentivize users to spend more

The best way to set these tests up in Intelligems depends on a few factors, including what exactly you are looking to test, how your cart is set up on your site, and your team’s technical aptitude. See below for a few example’s of ways a cart test may be set up in Intelligems:

  • If you are looking to test a relatively small and non-complicated portion of your cart, you may be able to set your test up using Intelligems’ Find & Replace tool! A few examples of times you could use this are testing the call to action in the checkout button, or displaying versus hiding certain components like a progress bar or discount code entry box.

  • If you are planning to test something more complicated, if the cart can be controlled using JavaScript, you can use Intelligems’ JavaScript injection tool to test this. If the cart cannot be controlled using JavaScript, or writing JavaScript is not in you team’s capabilities, you could also run it as a Theme Test.

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