Targeting Modes for Personalizations

Intelligems offers two broad modes of Audience Targeting: Permanent and Temporary.

  • Permanent - is useful if once someone is eligible for a personalization, and as long as that personalization is active you want them to continue to receive that experience.

  • Temporary - is useful if the conditions by which someone qualifies may "expire". For example, if you target New Visitors, a new visitor will see a personalization but eventually no longer qualify. Similarly, if someone who comes via a specific link qualifies, after a certain amount of time they may no longer qualify.

Permanent Audience

A Permanent Audience is a group of users that are permanently included or excluded from a Personalization. Once a user is evaluated and placed in or excluded from a permanent audience, their status remains unchanged for the duration of the experiment.


  • Static Assignment: Once assigned, users in a permanent audience will not be re-evaluated for inclusion or exclusion based on behavior or conditions.

  • No Expiration: Users who are included or excluded from a permanent audience are never automatically re-evaluated after a certain time period.

Temporary Audience

A Temporary Audience is a group of users who are dynamically included or excluded from a Personalization based on an evaluation frequency. Users in a temporary audience are re-evaluated periodically to determine if they should remain included in the experiment or be excluded.


  • Dynamic Assignment: Users are periodically evaluated to see if they should remain in the audience. This re-evaluation happens after a set period (called the evaluation frequency).

  • Evaluation Frequency: This is the number of days between re-evaluations. During each re-evaluation, the user can be included or excluded based on the defined conditions.

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