Offers Limits

Learn how to manage the offer limit for Personalizations and Offer Tests, with options to archive, delete, or increase your limit.

Understanding the Offer Limit for Personalizations and Offer Tests

To ensure smooth performance and prevent conflicts with other third-party discount apps (such as those integrated via Shopify), our platform enforces an offer limit on the number of active offers you can run at any given time. This includes offers related to both Personalizations and Offer Tests.

What is the Offer Limit?

The default offer limit is 15 offers. However, depending on your specific setup, the limit has the potential to be increased. This limit is configurable and can be adjusted based on the needs of your organization.

What Counts Towards the Offer Limit?

Offers that count towards this limit include those in the following states:

  • Pending: Created but not live.

  • Started: Currently live and running.

  • Paused: Temporarily stopped but still available for preview.

Archiving Offers

Once you reach the offer limit, you won’t be able to create or enable new offers until space is made. This is where archiving comes into play:

  1. Archiving a Personalization allows you to free up space without having to delete an offer entirely.

  2. Archived Personalizations:

    • Are labeled as archived in the Personalizations page.

    • Can be un-archived as long as you’re within your offer limit.

Note: You cannot archive an active (live) offer without first confirming that you want to end it.

How do I Archive a Personalization?

To archive a personalization, navigate to the Personalizations page. Locate the card for the personalization you'd like to archive, then click the three dots on the right-hand side of the card to access more options and select the archive option.

Alternatively, you can also archive a personalization from its detail page. Once inside a personalization, the archive option can be found by clicking the three dots in the same spot on the top header.

What Should I Do If I Hit the Limit?

If you receive the “Offer Limit Reached” message, you have the following options:

  • Archive or delete one of your existing offers to free up space.

  • If your Offer Test contains multiple offers, you can end or delete offers within the test to reduce the total count.

Need More Help?

For more information or to request an increase to your offer limit, please contact our support team.

Last updated